The Berky Postal Service

      The Berky Postal Service

The Berky Post Office was started by Mrs Gill Agg 20 years ago, with stamps in black and white. In the early days, the sheets of stamps were perforated by Mrs Agg using a sewing machine! The point of the Post Office was to give the younger children an idea of how a real Post Office worked – selling stamps, posting cards in letter boxes, collecting the mail, sorting and franking it, then delivering it to the correct addresses. Wearing Postman hats and carrying post bags, the Year 1 children collect and deliver the mail from the classroom postboxes and take it to the ‘sorting office’ for franking and sorting by the Year 2 children. The children also have to buy the stamps using real money…and there is the excitement of the Stamp Designing Competition to start the whole process off - stamps are now in colour! A few years after the Pre-Prep began the system, the Prep decided to join in, and the post is sorted and delivered by the Year 6 children. All the money raised goes to a charity chosen by the School Council, this year, the chosen charity is Save the Children.

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